I actually have a quiet minute of time, so I thought I'd fill everyone in on what the Doggett's have been up to. You know about the pregnancy news, so the rest is just icing on the, already extremely tired, Jaime cake!
We're going to visit my family for Thanksgiving. Hooray!! I'm really excited to see everyone again, but the occasion really isn't a joyous one. My grandpa Petersen is really unwell. These times are always the hardest to be away from my family. I only just saw him in January, and we weren't planning on going to the States again until 2010, to try and keep our 'every other year' trip going. After news of my grandpa's condition, though, I just wanted to be there. This was complicated b/c, as you know, I'm 6 1/2 weeks pregnant, so I couldn't go straight away. If I want travel insurance (which you'd be crazy to go to the States without), I have to wait until I'm out of my first trimester. Secondly, money was a big issue. To make a long story short, we didn't have money for all of us to go out there this year, so it would have been just me and James. Luckily, I married into a generous family who loves me and my family, and Simon's parents and his grandad all put money towards our journey, so that I and all of my family can visit with my grandpa. I'm so grateful to live in a time when I can travel so easily, and I'm so grateful for all the family I have. Our third obstacle in this is that Simon didn't have enough holiday to go out...I know, it's crazy when he already gets a month of paid holiday, but he didn't have any left, so he's now working most Saturdays until we leave. I found this particularly stressful this morning, considering some things that you'll learn about as you read on. But, he's doing it and I'm so grateful that he's doing it b/c he wants to see my grandpa too. I couldn't ask for a more considerate and loving husband. Thank you, Simon! All in all, we just can't wait to see everyone.
As if I didn't have enough on my plate at the moment, I've just been called as the Relief Society President in our ward. I know...WHAT????!!!! The Bishop told me that I let out the loudest laugh he's ever heard when he told me. I just couldn't believe it! Apart from feeling not at all qualified in any way, I haven't even been in Relief Society for a decade. I don't even know how the opening exercises go. Along with my new calling, I've had meetings almost every night this week, and I'm worn out! I must say, though, that if I have to be Relief Society Pres., at least I'm doing it in Bath Ward. I love my ward!! I love all my brothers and sisters in my ward! They really are my family away from home. I know they have a true love for me and my family, so I do look forward to serving them. I also look forward to instigating fun. I got to be a part of this 'fun' recently, when some ladies
from my ward kidnapped the Stake Presidents wife, also our very good friend, dressed up (which you know I love) and went to see Mama Mia. The show was cute, but I just enjoyed the company and the look on Debbie's face when we showed up at her house and did a choreographed dance. Some of you will recognise the costumes!
Chloe is a bit of a trial for me right now. She is a joy, though. Chloe is
probably my least confident child, but she is always thrilled for everyone else's accomplishments. Sophia has recently learnt how to ride her bike and we went out with her to show us her new moves, and Chloe just ran along behind her saying how fantastic she was doing. She always cheers on James and Sophia. She doesn't seem to possess any jealousy of her siblings. She tries me in other ways, though. Chloe is never in a hurry to do anything. Whenever I ask for her help in getting dressed or tidying up, she just goofs around and never gets to it until I'm at my wits end and ready to throw her out the window! I really don't know how to get her going. I've just started to add another 30minutes onto whatever we need to do, just to compensate for the fact I know she won't be quick, but nothing ever seems to happen without drama and running to wherever we need to go.
James is active. He loves to walk and just cries when I put him in the buggy. He is a little muscle man, too. It makes me laugh b/c his calf
muscles just poke out like he's some kind of body builder. He loves his food, too. I already feed him quite big portions and he gobbles them up in no time and just looks at the girls and moans at them to give him their dinner. I don't know where it all goes b/c he's not chubby, either. He's usually very happy and mild nature, too, but when he gets mad...he really gets mad. His tantrums always consist of him throwing himself face first to the floor, knocking his nose so it starts bleeding, then banging his head repeatedly...as if the original pain of heading to the floor, face first, just wasn't enough! He reminds me of Brett when he does it and how Brett just never seemed to feel the pain of giving us head butts. The funniest thing about it is how happy James normally is. Everyone is always commenting on what a smiley, friendly boy he is. I'm going to have to get it on video sometime, when I'm not mopping up the blood!
So there you have it, our busy life! Keeps things interesting, though!
I would be tired too! I totally remember those wigs! What a fun idea! You will do great as Pres!
Wow, you've certainly been busy! I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa. It's the worst to be so far away when things aren't going well. I'm glad that you guys could come for a visit though!
Also, congrats (?) on the RS calling! You will do a great job!! Just pick brilliant counsellors and delegate, delegate, delegate!
Your kids are so funny! Nathan is in a "taking forever" phase as well. It drives me CRAZY! Maybe it's the age???
I was tired just reading your post! Wow, you have alot on your plate! First of all, I am so excited that we get to see you at Thanksgiving. Yeah!! Second, congratulations on the pregnancy - you have such cute kids you have to keep them coming. Third - congrats(?) on the calling. That is one lucky Relief Society! Love Ya!!
Chloe would get on well with Adam. I'll be running around like a headless chicken shouting at him to get dressed for school and he's lying on the floor in his underpants telling me all about his dream lat night... yes, this morning was stressful!! Time means nothing to him!
RS Pres!! I am bowing down from afar. That's a job I NEVER want!
If you find the tomatillos anywhere for the ranch let me know!! I so want to do it at home. I think you could do the crock pot one in the oven on low. Might work!! I am glad you will get to have seen your family twice this year that is Wonderful!!!
Hey Jaime! Your little family is so cute. How are things across the pond? =) Congratulations on the upcoming baby! TTYL.
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